
SKY BURIAL arised as a darker sublabel of d.i.y. label Nomad Sky Diaries.
Label is musically focused on genres as dark ambient, black metal, noise, industrial, power electronics, drone, field recording, ritual music and various live performance recordings...
I try to look at the every one record with special love which is finally reflected in final form of the physical music media to achieve the best possible result.
I am open to any medium such as cassettes, vinyls or CDs - simply medium which is the most appropriate for the specific record. And of course no political shit.

If you want to buy, change or release something feel free to write on:

We are accepting payments through bank transfer, paypal or even in crypto: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin. Postal taxes are calculated individually. It's good, because that way you can pay less money for them. Just ask..


SKY BURIAL vznikol ako temnejsia odnoz d.i.y. labelu Nomad Sky Diaries.
Label je hudobne zamerany na zanre ako dark ambient, black metal, noise, industrial, power electronics, drone, field recording, ritual music, a rozne zive nahravky z koncertov...
Ku kazdej nahravke sa snazim pristupovat s osobytou laskou ktora sa napokon odzrkadli vo finalnej podobe fyzickeho nosicu aby vyzeral co najkrasnejsie.
Vydava sa na akomkolvek mediu ci uz su to kazety, vinyly ci CDcka - proste medium na ktore sa konkretna nahravka hodi. A samozrejme ziadne politicke sracky.

Ak ches nieco kupit, vymenit alebo vydavat napis na:


Akceptujeme platby klasickým bankovym prevodom, PayPal, alebo krypto - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin.
Cena za poštovné sa určuje individuálne podla taríf slovenskej pošty. V Bratislave aj osobne.