The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I.
black/death metal
The flash of the death was from time immemorial one from the most inspirative impulses, which the mankind for the time of it's existence have the chance to know. This holly touch of the fully lived being, the lustre of the definitiveness, the endless circle of the defining the being by the unbeing, fear and quake of the caveman adoring the bones of his ancestry established deeply in us has build the civilization with the endless will to the selfreproduction. Death is a beautyfull young lady, sultana of the thousand years old man, which became the new born child in the flash of his anhylation, so short, like it never happened.
The tape with an archaic booklet in the cofin with the tins nailed up and the burial rituals loaded on her are the strong enunciative confirmation about our kind. Epos about a death and the burial rituals from Death Karma was released in a cooperation with Beyond Eyes as a limited version for an LP and CD version
30x mc - ltd
Available only on Beyond Eyes.